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On Birth and Death


It occurred to me the other day, why is it that when we enter the two greatest experiences in this existence, namely birth and death, that we do so as an innocent and helpless baby on one end and if life has been kind, as an old, weak and fragile person on the other?


This dilemma troubled me for a while. Why not pass through these great portals at our prime, as powerful warriors? What was it that babies and the elderly had in common that makes existence favor them to make this transition?


A few days later it hit me. After a sudden awakening experience, initiated a meditation practice, the answer was clear. Strong egos are the illest prepared to meet God. For the ego and the identity of a personality are but myth and fantasy. Hence the paradox or riddle or life. We enter this world as completely unidentified and defenseless babes and ideally leave in a similar condition. What do these two have in common? Complete surrender. This makes the passage from and back into the unknown the most seamless and easy. This is nature's design.


Then why all the trouble in between? Why all the trials of growth, struggle and survival? Well this is indeed the mystery. If one is fortunate enough to have the chance to do some self exploration and contemplation into the inner mysteries, one may very well find the answer to this riddle.


The secret to life lies in death and vice versa. There are ways to experience what happens when we leave this body, while we are still in this body. Perhaps this is indeed the whole reason why we are here. What we will discover is beyond words and understanding. The light of the divine dispels all illusion. Thoughts, desires, emotions, all features belonging to an individual sense of identity are dissolved back into their nothingness. The resulting illumination shines forth on its own. "The peace of God surpasses all understanding" as it says in the Bible. But we don't have to wait until the last minute to meet God. We can do so before it's too late. For the secret in death, is not that it's at the end of life. It is part of life and all around us all the time. We merely have to awaken from our dream of identification as a personality. This is the beginning of enlightenment and the fulfillment of our true purpose on this planet.

​© 2025 by Marcel Philippe Poetry

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