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Questions & Answers

Question: I had another remembrance of our first session last night. It dawned on me like the morning light perhaps when death first approaches and the ego and personality are dropped for the first time. Suddenly the realization occurs after this taste of light and spacious emptiness, that to discover this secret of death is the real reason for life. Back in our first session the shock was too great for me. My calling was to stay in that death state forever, but there was the problem of having to live in this physical reality. Suddenly every action and every deed was in vain. My system began to shut down,  ready for death not knowing how to continue in every day life. Last night the shock came again but I forced myself to continue doing small things around the house. It appears in our sessions, my memories of the events were forgotten in order for my body system to continue functioning on this plane. Now my question to you is how to continue with the mundane in light of this profound taste of the death state?



Answer: The layout from atman to moonshadow the etheic female is the completion from invisible spirit into matter. However the reflection of this shadow is death because fire lacks the quality of light . Looking at the wrong direction mistaking the mirror image for one's own picture therefore turning our back to it the objective world is death the shadow of a shadow reflected in front of us .Death behind and death in front are the two banks between the river of life for the personality our world flows . Non existence therefore is our reality. Having such a life to be real means that non being is our true nature . Subject and object the two halfes of death becoming one the door of death leads to life with the moonshadow containing the end of true light in the form of the etheric female ...our first body alive.



In the meantime be aware that the becoming aware of death is the portal to life.

Looking in the mirror at your own face and the space behind was the right direction.

However our turning away from the mirror and your true nonbeing the absolute mirror in between all halves of it's clothing will reflect the behind now in front of you.

The shadow of a shadow becomes the world you make your home.

Death behind means non existence in front.

Therefore the other half is right in front of you.

Death starring right in your face.

Becoming one with the object will bring the etheric female body in front of you.

Your first face with light or life substance to be...

No reason to turn around...

Just realize the oneness with the reflection from behind...

subject and object are one...

Not two...

Subject is none existence

Object is Death

Therefore Death becomes the Door to life

The etheric body arising

containing the

three in one


As far as the things or wall is concerned that will be the etheric arising as you can see the oneness in the living as your other half meaning all this people you meet whereever you go including your wife who is next to you but nothing else but your backside reflection . All the others combined meaning the whole world will amount to the size of the face of the moon once becoming is an existential reality . Witnessing truly is all we can do. 


Nonbeing the ultimate mirror located between all halfes of its shadow encompassing therefore the totality of mind within its infinite space is the foundation of all the sharing on our website location. Therefore all the fears of dying we experience through the face of personality or ego is the concern of the abyss not knowing its true identity. Coming to realize the non existence of matriality as far as ego and world is concerned only nonbeing could master the task of identification with the invisible part of its shadow or clothing to such an extent that the fear of death becomes the background of all life perceived through the five senses of its clothing. The portal of death the gateway to life with all the layers of mind to be revealed in becoming whole until no face becomes home.



At our first session to my utter surprise it turned out that just by listening to the truth your outgoing energy reversed to your astral body perception with higher mental understanding taking you inbetween buddhas upper and lower half. The upper half connected to nirvana the lower half connected to the personality world. The same position alll three of you kids were in when we had the Yosemite experience as a family. Intuition from above understanding the vision from below as long as the word explained the extended sight cause after all you were just a kid . This is also the position From where I teach Bianca...therefore breaking down the conection from the above with the coresponding reflections below your system will only refill with all the halfes complete and mixed through your higher mentall midpoint position. My words therefore caused the refilling of your perfect bodyhookup which you arrived with on your own.

However the refill of the most perfect bodyyperception also filled you with the most perfect mixture of light to an extent that the needs of the physical personality body were not even felt by you enjoying the bliss which radiated from the lightbody.


Feelings from within . Dehydration and cramping were the symptoms of neglect ...destroying egoidentification doesn't mean to destroy its bodysystem which is the reflection the nirvanic shadow from above. Therefore the state of wellbeing felt through our regular body is the measure of maximum redirect at any given session or redirect of lightenergies. Compared to the bliss of the inner body feeling our body seems to be dead that's why you would have sacrified this one if you could have gotten the higher ones back . But this kind of exchange is worthless cause you can't have the highest without the lowest being the measure for wellbeing . The tree stands only as high as his roots are grounded in the earth.

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